How to Upgrade from Older Odoo Versions to Odoo 18

Migrating to Odoo 18

by Dharmesh Patel

Migrating from Older Versions to Odoo 18 involves several steps. This process includes preparing your environment, backing up source code & database, installing the new version, and migrating your data and custom modules. Here's a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Preparation

Review Release Notes
  • Read the release notes for Odoo 18 to understand new features and changes.
  • Identify deprecated features and new dependencies.
  • Back up your older Odoo version database.
  • Back up all custom modules and configurations.
Test Environment
  • Set up a staging/test environment similar to your production environment.
  • Ensure you have a fresh install of Odoo 18 on this test environment.

Step 2: Install Odoo 18

System Requirements
  • Ensure your server meets the requirements for Odoo 18.
Install Dependencies
  • Install necessary dependencies for Odoo 18. Use the official Odoo documentation for guidance.
Download and Install Odoo 18
  • Clone the Odoo 18 source code from the official Odoo repository.
  • Install Odoo 18 by following the standard installation procedures for your operating system.

Step 3: Migrate Custom Modules

Review Custom Modules
  • Review and update your custom modules to be compatible with Odoo 18.
  • Check for deprecated methods and fields.
Test Custom Modules
  • Install and test your custom modules on the Odoo 18 test environment.
  • Resolve any issues that arise during testing.

Step 4: Data Migration

Upgrade Database
  • Use the Odoo database migration service (This is for Odoo Enterprise) or OCA OpenUpgrade scripts if available or migrate yourself.
Manual Data Adjustments
  • Check for any data inconsistencies or issues post-migration.
  • Manually adjust data if necessary to fit the new version's schema.

Step 5: Testing

Functional Testing
  • Perform comprehensive testing of all Odoo functionalities, including custom modules.
  • Ensure all business processes work as expected.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Allow end-users to test the new system and provide feedback.
  • Make any final adjustments based on user feedback.

Step 6: Go Live

Schedule Migration
  • Plan the migration during off-peak hours to minimise disruption.
  • Communicate the migration schedule to all stakeholders.
Backup Production Data
  • Take a final backup of your Old Odoo Version production data before starting the migration.
Migrate Production Data
  • Repeat the data migration steps for the production environment.
  • Ensure all data is accurately migrated and validated.
Go Live
  • Switch to the Odoo 18 production environment.
  • Monitor the system closely for any issues.

Step 7: Post-Migration

  • Provide support to users as they get accustomed to the new system.
  • Address any issues or bugs that arise promptly.
  • Regularly update and maintain the Odoo 18 system.
  • Keep backups and monitor system performance.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and successful migration from the Old Odoo Version to Odoo 18.

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