Introduction to Odoo Frontdesk
by Khurram Iftikhar
Visitors or guests often come to meet employees at the workplace, whether it's a requirement for a task or simply because the employee occasionally has guests. In such situations, the frontdesk staff or receptionist usually needs to notify the employee about the guest. To streamline this process, Odoo 17 has introduced a new module called Frontdesk, which makes handling guests much easier.
The Frontdesk Interface
The screenshot below shows that the Frontdesk module’s interface is user-friendly and intuitive. Upon opening the module, users see the workstations displayed in a Kanban view within the dashboard. This module comprises four main menus: Stations, Visitors, Reports, and Configuration.

Set Up Stations
Stations represent workspaces within the office. The dashboard provides an overview of all configured workstations. To add a new station, simply click the "New" button.

Start by naming the frontdesk. The designated responsible users will receive visitor notifications. You can also specify the company name. The form view includes a Kiosk URL, and additional configurations can be managed through the Options tab.

Guests can select their meeting host from a list through the host selection feature. The "Authenticate Guests" option requests further details during sign-in. The "Notify by Email" and "Notify by SMS" options enable notification of the host via email and SMS, respectively. The "Self Check-In" feature provides a QR code on the welcome screen for guests to check in using their mobile devices. The "Offer Drinks" option allows guests to choose their preferred beverage during registration, and it enables you to serve snacks or drinks to guests. If the "Notify by Discuss" option is enabled, a chat window will open on the user's computer when a guest arrives. Users can choose a desk colour theme, either Light or Dark.
Side Message & Kiosk
This tab allows users to add any additional messages. Once the settings are configured, click the "Open Kiosk" icon in the top left corner.

Upon accessing the kiosk, a welcome screen appears. Guests have two options to check in: Scanning a QR code or Clicking the "Check In" button.

At the top of the screen, there is an option to select a language. If multiple languages are enabled in Odoo, visitors can choose the appropriate language for filling in their details.
The next page prompts visitors to enter their personal information, such as name, phone number, and company name, before clicking the "Check In" button.

Following this, visitors can select the employee they wish to meet from a list and then click the "Confirm" button.

Enhance Guest Experience
If the company offers snacks or drinks, guests will be asked whether they would like to have some. They can click the "Yes, please" button to accept or the "No, thank you" button to decline.

The next screen displays a list of available snacks and drinks, allowing guests to make their selections if they wish.

With this, the registration process is complete, and the visitor will receive a confirmation message on the screen.

The dashboard then updates to show the current status of the station, including the number of people waiting, drinks being served, last check-in time, and more. A responsible person can also be added directly from the dashboard.
Visitor Information
The Visitors list displays all the guests, including those currently waiting. It shows details such as name, company name, phone number, host, check-in time, station, and status.

Users can customise the settings for Stations and Drinks from the Configuration menu. This section displays all the stations that have been set up, along with their assigned responsibilities. The configuration form is similar to the one used earlier.

You can also configure the drinks menu. Some drinks can be displayed with images. New drinks can be added by clicking the "New" button, specifying the drink's name, the person to be notified, and including an image and sequence number.

The initial report available is the Visitors report. Using the Measures option, users can filter data, such as checking the number of visits each month. The site offers various graph formats, and data can also be exported to a spreadsheet.

The Frontdesk module helps businesses manage guest interactions and enhance the visitor experience. Features like the drinks menu improve hospitality and enhance the company’s image, all easily managed within the module.
Enhance Your Guest Management
Explore Odoo 17's Frontdesk Module or customise it to fit your business needs.