My Profile App


Getting Started

Accessing the My Profile App

To access the "My Profile" app, log in to your Numla HR account. Once logged in, you'll find an intuitive dashboard interface. From this central hub, navigate to the "My Profile" section, which is shown below.

Accessing the my profile app in Numla HR

All About the My Profile App

In the "My Profile" app, you'll find two options: "Profile" and "Change Requests."

In the "Profile" section, you can view all your details, stored in the HR system. If you find any incorrect information, you can initiate a change request.

Employee details

Initiating a Change Request

Within my profile, click on the button to initiate a change request in the top left area as shown below. You can also create a new request from the “My Change Requests” menu.

Initiate change request option on my profile

Step 1: Specify the Updates

Please enter a title for the change request and pick all the items you want to update in the Information to Update section.

Fill out details for change request

Select information to update

Step 2: Confirm Entered Details

Once you’re done with entering the details, click on Proceed and your change request will move to the Data Input stage.

Proceed to the Data Input stage

Step 3: Enter New Information for Each Data Item

At the data input stage, you need to enter the new information for all data items you selected.

To add new info, click on “Update Info”, and a window will pop up, please fill out all requested details where possible and be accurate.

Click on Update Info button

The pop-up window may have different fields based on the data item you selected to update.

Update information in the fields

Once you have filled in all the details, please click on “Proceed”.

Step 4: Submit the Request to HR for Approval

Please review your changes at this stage, if all looks good, you can click on Submit for Review button as shown below to submit your request to HR.

Submit Change Request to HR

Your request will be reviewed and approved by HR. Once approved, the changes will be applied automatically within 24 hours. However, a change request might stay open for a while if your payroll is open and under processing.

Tracking Your Change Requests Status

You can find all of your change requests under the My Change Requests menu as shown below. From here you can track the status of all of your change requests and can continue with any request that you left at the “Draft” or “Data Input” stages.

Track change requests status


Once approved by HR, all the changes are applied automatically by the system overnight. Simply your changes will be applied within 24 hours of approval.

If your request was submitted or approved after a payroll cut-off, then the changes will be applied once the payroll is closed.

In this case, you should immediately write an email to both HR and Payroll about your case, they should be able to help you directly if it is not too late.

Please reach out to HR via the “My Tickets” app. They will add your bank to the system and then you should be able to continue with your change request.

No, only you and HRBPs can see your profile details.

Version History


Date Updated
