What is InheritedWidget?
by Ans Ali
Flutter provides a rich set of tools to manage state across your application, and one of the most powerful among these is the InheritedWidget. It is a special kind of widget in Flutter that allows data to be shared across the widget tree efficiently.
When you want to pass data down the tree from a parent to its descendants without having to pass it explicitly through the constructor, InheritedWidget comes in handy. It enables you to build a reactive data model that automatically updates the UI whenever the shared data changes. Understanding how to use InheritedWidget can greatly improve your app’s performance and maintainability.
When to Use InheritedWidget
You should consider using InheritedWidget in the following scenarios:
Shared State
When you have data that needs to be accessed by multiple widgets but doesn’t need to be tied to a specific widget’s lifecycle.
Performance Optimisation
Since InheritedWidget only rebuilds the widgets that depend on it, it can help optimise performance, especially in large widget trees.
Decoupling Widgets
It allows for cleaner code by decoupling the widgets that produce data from those that consume it.
How to Implement InheritedWidget
Let’s walk through a simple example of how to create and use an InheritedWidget in Flutter.
Step 1: Create the InheritedWidget
First, we define our InheritedWidget. In this example, we’ll create a widget that shares a simple counter value.
Step 2: Use the InheritedWidget in Your Widget Tree
Now that we have our InheritedWidget, we can use it in our widget tree. We will wrap our app in the Counter widget to provide access to the shared state.
Step 3: Access Data from InheritedWidget
Finally, we need to create the widgets that will consume the data from our InheritedWidget.
How It Works
State Management
The Counter widget holds the current count and the method to increment it. The increment function is called when the button is pressed.
The CountDisplay and IncrementButton widgets use the Counter.of(context) method to access the shared state. They automatically rebuild when the count changes, thanks to the updateShouldNotify method.
By using InheritedWidget, we avoid passing the count and increment method down through every widget explicitly. This keeps our widget tree clean and efficient.
InheritedWidget is a powerful tool for managing state in Flutter applications. It allows for efficient data sharing across the widget tree and helps to maintain a clean architecture. While it’s not always the easiest to implement for more complex state management needs, it serves as a fundamental building block for understanding how state flows in Flutter. For larger applications, consider combining InheritedWidget with other state management solutions like Provider, Riverpod, or BLoC.
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