Seamlessly manage on-site training events

Numla HR presents the Classroom Training App, a comprehensive solution to simplify and enhance on-site training events.

Event management is now super-easy  

Take up the challenge of organising on-site events with Numla HR. Track course participants, manage event logistics, notify attendees about upcoming events, and ensure live tracking of progress. Numla HR Classroom Training App makes it super easy for you to streamline your event management.

Take a look at the key features

Explore the capabilities that make our app an ideal solution for simplified event management

Plan courses easily 

Organise courses easily for the entire year. Define essential details such as category, required equipment, and prerequisites in a few clicks and get them reviewed by the decision-makers.

Streamline approval and communication  

Automatic notifications to line managers streamline the approval process. Efficiently manage your team members by adding them to waiting lists for upcoming courses.

Simplify event configuration 

Simplify the complexities of event setup. Empower managers to define start and end dates, assign trainers, set agendas, and establish booking thresholds based on venue capacity.

Send proactive event reminders  

Stay ahead with proactive notifications as the event date approaches. Trainers and participants are kept in the loop with all the essential details for a seamless experience.

Execute events simply 

Facilitate trainers in initiating and concluding events, recording attendee attendance, and adding valuable comments. The app allows trainers to attach attendance sheets as images for meticulous record-keeping.

Automate certification & confirmation  

Wrap up training sessions smoothly. Trainers can close events, triggering automatic certification and sending attendance confirmation emails to participants, enhancing the overall training experience.

Leverage comprehensive reporting 

Access detailed reports on event attendance, venue details, certification issuance, and departmental affiliations—all conveniently consolidated into one comprehensive report.

Discover the key benefits

Decide what's needed

Simplify the once-complex course planning. Organise courses easily.

Improve team coordination

Keeping everyone informed is difficult. Automate notifications and create waiting lists.

Ease the venue management

Make venue setup stress-free. Manage booking thresholds in line with venue capacity.

 Communicate effectively

Bridge communication gaps with timely updates to trainers and participants.

Maintain records

Streamline record-keeping with easy attendance sheet attachment options.

Certify swiftly

Expedite post-event processes. Automate certification and attendance confirmation emails.

Transform your event management experience ​​