A Seamless Employee Benefits Administration
Easily manage employee benefits, allowances, and deductions with Numla HR.

Manage employee benefits and deductions efficiently
Keep track of all employee benefits, including, pensions, benefits in kind, retirement plans, and more. With our app, you can set up custom allowances and deductions to ensure accurate and timely payments. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual tracking and paperwork - our app simplifies the process, saving you time and resources.
Configure pension schemes
View your organisation's pension schemes and configure new ones in no time. Easily access all the crucial details you need, from employee rates and employer rates to salary rules for deduction. Moreover,
Add employees to pension schemes with a few clicks
Easily add/remove salary rules
Automatically record salary contributions for each employee in the payroll

Benefits in kind
Easily manage non-cash benefits given to employees, such as cars and medical benefits. Adding a new BIK is a breeze, and you can quickly access a list of employees for each benefit, including their job titles, departments, and pay groups. Plus, adding new employees to each benefit is just a few clicks away, all from within the app.
Manage allowances from contracts
Our app makes it easy to set up allowances and deductions directly from an employee's contract. With just a few clicks, you can define the period for each allowance and deduction, such as ongoing allowances for long-term employees or specific periods for loan or advance deductions.