Contract Amendments


Getting Started


This section provides an overview of the key features of the Contract Amendments app, designed to streamline and optimise the management of employee contract changes within your organisation. From creating and tracking individual or mass contract amendments to handling approvals and reporting, the app offers a comprehensive suite of tools to facilitate efficient contract management.

Presented in alphabetical order for ease of navigation, the following features are crafted to enhance your workflow and ensure effective handling of contract modifications. Explore these features to fully leverage the capabilities of the Contract Amendments app and support seamless contract management across your organisation.

Features Description
e-Signatures We have built-in e-signatures to facilitate the contract signing process easily and securely.

Accessing the Contract Amendment Module

To access the Contract Amendments module within Numla HR, start by logging in with your organisational credentials. Once logged in, you will be directed to the main dashboard, which serves as the central hub for accessing various features and functionalities. To navigate to the "Contract Amendments" module, look for an app with the corresponding icon displayed below, or simply type "Contract Amendments" on the screen to find it.

Navigating to the contract amendment app in Numla HR

User Roles and Permissions

Role Access Level Details
Payroll Admin Restricted Access Can view and update pay-periods on all contract amendments.
Employee Read-Only Can view, sign, and download their own contract amendments.
Superusers Full Access Can view all records and manage access and configuration to the app.
HRBP and Recruitment Team Restricted Access Can create and view contract amendments for their own areas only.

Setting Up the App

Setting up the Contract Amendments app establishes a streamlined process for managing and tracking employee contract changes within your organisation. Proper configuration ensures that HR professionals and payroll admins can efficiently create, review, and manage contract amendments while maintaining clear visibility into contract statuses and details. In this section, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up the Contract Amendments app, covering essential tasks such as configuring HRBP and recruitment teams, setting up mass amendments, and defining contract amendment parameters.

HRBP Contract Amendment’s Team

The HRBP Contract Amendments Team in the Contract Amendments app plays a crucial role in managing contract changes. To create a contract amendment, you must first add your name to the HRBP Contract Amendments Team. Once you are part of this team, you will have the necessary permissions to initiate and manage HRBP contract amendments.

HRBP Contract Amendment’s Team Configuration

  • To access this go to Contract Amendments > Configuration > HRBP Contract Amendment’s Team.
    To add a new team member click on “Create”, enter the name, and “Save” it.
    To delete any member, first select it using the available checkbox on the left. Then go to “Actions” and select “Delete”.

Deleting an HRBP Contract Amendment’s Team Member

Recruitment Contract Amendments' Team

The Recruitment Contract Amendment’s team is used to specify which members of the recruitment team are authorised to handle contract amendments initiated by the recruitment process.

Creating Recruitment Contract Amendment’s team member

  • To delete any member, first select it using the available checkbox on the left. Then go to “Actions” and select “Delete.

Deleting a Recruitment Contract Amendment’s Team Member

Processing Contract Amendments

Let's explore one of the core functions of the Contract Amendments app: managing and processing contract amendments. If you're an HRBP or a payroll admin, the app provides you with a comprehensive overview of contract-related activities. Here, you can create new contract amendments, view and manage in-progress and completed amendments, and oversee changes initiated by HRBP or Recruitment. For employees, the app allows you to view and print your contract amendments, including details such as the amendment's description, effective date, and state. The Contract Amendments app offers a user-friendly interface to streamline the contract management process, ensuring accurate and efficient handling of all contract changes.

Creating Contract Amendments

Creating Contract Amendments

Mass Contract Amendments

The Mass Contract Amendments feature allows you to efficiently apply uniform changes, such as annual bonuses or salary increments, to multiple employees simultaneously. This tool eliminates the need for individual contracts and signatures, streamlining the process by letting you configure and review amendments in bulk. Simply enter the necessary details, upload employee data, and submit the changes for approval. This feature significantly reduces administrative effort and ensures consistent updates across the organisation.

Creating New Mass Contract Amendments

Navigate to the Contract Amendments app, select Mass Contract Amendments, and then click on "New/In Progress." After that, click on “Create.”

Creating New Mass Contract Amendments

Filling Out Mandatory Fields

These are the minimal set of fields you must know to start creating a new Mass Contract in the system. All mandatory fields are highlighted with a bold underline. Start with completing them first, as you cannot save your record without completing them.

Mandatory fields

After filling up these fields, click on Add a line to update the fields.

Add things to update

After selecting the things to update click on “Select” and click on proceed.

Click on proceed

After clicking "Proceed," you will advance to the Employee Selection stage. Here, you can add or remove employees as needed and review the employee list to ensure accuracy.

Employee selection stage in contract amendment

To add an employee click on add employees, then click on add a line.

Add employees

After clicking "Add a Line," a list of employees will be displayed, allowing you to select the employees you wish to add.

List of employees

Once you’re done with the employee selection phase, you can click on Confirm Selection and your contract will be moved to the upload details stage.

Confirm employee selection for contract amendment

In the Upload Details stage, you can still remove employees but cannot add new ones. From this stage, you can also download the input template and review the amendments made.

Upload details

Initiated by HRBP

The "Initiated by HRBP" function within the Contract Amendments app streamlines the process of creating and managing contract amendments initiated by the HRBP. This feature enables HRBPs to initiate amendments for employee contracts efficiently by providing a structured form to input necessary details. It ensures that all required information, such as employee specifics, amendment reasons, and approval statuses, are captured accurately.

Once entered, the amendment can be saved and submitted for approval, facilitating a smooth workflow for contract adjustments. This process not only simplifies contract management but also ensures that amendments are thoroughly reviewed and approved systematically.

Creating New Contract Amendment Initiated by HRBP

Navigate to the Contract Amendments app, select Initiated by HRBP, and then click on "New/In Progress." After that, click on “Create.”

Creating new contract amendment initiated by HRBP

Filling Out Mandatory Fields

These are the minimal set of fields you must know to start creating a new Contract initiated by HRPB in the system. All mandatory fields are highlighted with a bold underline. Start with completing them first, as you cannot save your record without completing them.

Mandatory fields

Enter the Required Details

  • Employee: Select the employee from the list. Once an employee is selected, their pay group, manager, pay scale, and notice period are automatically populated in the system. However, you can manually adjust the notice period if needed.

Enter the required details

  • Description/Reason: Provide a small reason.


  • Letter Type: Choose the type of amendment letter.

Letter type

  • To add changes to the contract click on "Add a line".

Add changes

  • After adding the changes, click on “Save”.

Save changes

  • After Saving send the amendment for initial approval by clicking Send for Initial Approval.

Send for Initial Approval

Note: You cannot send the contract for initial approval before selecting an initial approver.

  • After clicking “Send for Initial Approval,” a formal offer letter will be sent to the employee. You can edit the offer text if needed. Once the text is finalised, click “Proceed” to submit the contract letter for approval.

Offer letter

  • After clicking “Proceed,” you can choose to send the contract for HRD approval, cancel the contract, or reject it. You can also make changes to the pay period if necessary.

Send the contract for HRD approval

Note: You cannot send the contract for HRD approval before selecting an HRD approver.

  • After clicking “Send for Approval To HRD,” a formal offer letter will be sent to the employee. You can edit the offer text if needed. Once the text is finalised, click “Proceed” to submit the contract letter for approval.

Offer letter

  • After clicking “Proceed,” the formal offer letter will be sent for approval to HRD.

Sent for approval to HRD

  • To Approve, Export, Delete, Set to Prorate, Set Receiving HRBP, Check Signature Template, Refresh Template, or Reload the Name of a contract, select the desired contract from the list using the checkbox on the left.
  • Go to "Actions" and select the option you wish to apply.


  • To approve the contract, click on "Approve."

Approve contract

  • Once approved, the status of "Send for Approval" will be updated to "Accepted."

Note: An employee can only have one contract at the same time. (Excluding Draft and Cancelled contracts).

Initiated by Recruitment

The "Initiated by Recruitment" section facilitates the process of contract amendments specifically requested by the recruitment team. Similar to the HRBP-initiated process, this functionality allows for the creation and management of contract amendments. However, the primary use case for this section is when an employee wishes to switch their job or department. Recruitment team members can initiate contract amendments under these circumstances, ensuring that all necessary adjustments are made to the employee’s contract. This streamlined process ensures that contract changes are handled efficiently and accurately, reflecting the employee’s new role or department. 

Creating New Contract Amendment Initiated by Recruitment

The process is similar to the one described for HRBP-initiated contract amendments. This includes all the same steps for creating, reviewing, and approving contract changes. By following these steps, recruitment team members can ensure that necessary contract adjustments are accurately processed, reflecting the employee's new role or department while maintaining consistency with the established amendment procedures.

Creating New Contract Amendment Initiated by Recruitment 


Reports are very important to look through your data in a meaningful way and derive value from it. Here are the reports that are available in our system.

Contract Changes Report

The Contract Changes Reports section provides a comprehensive overview of all contract amendments processed within the system. It allows users to view detailed reports that include key information such as the effective date, employee name and staff ID, the fields updated, and the old and new values. Additionally, the report captures the difference between previous and updated information, the initiator of the amendment, and whether the changes have been processed in payroll. This feature is crucial for tracking and auditing contract amendments, ensuring transparency and accuracy throughout the amendment process.

To access this report, navigate to Contract Amendment > Reporting > Contract Changes.

Contract Changes Report


In this section, we can show them how the configurations can be updated to meet the changing needs of an organisation.

Change Reason

  • First, navigate to the “Contract Amendment App” and go under “Configuration”.
  • From there, select Change Reason to create a new change reason.
  • Here, you'll fill in the “Name”.
  • “Save” the name.

Change Reason

To edit any existing reason, just click on it and click “Edit”, make the change, and then click on “Save”.

Edit Change Reason

To delete or export any reason, first select it using the available checkbox on the left. Then go to “Actions” and select “Delete or Export”.


Department Users Limit

  • First, navigate to the “Contract Amendment App” and go under “Configuration”.
  • From there, select Department Users Limit to create a new department user limit.
  • Here, you can input details such as the “Department, users, and initial approval.
  • Once entered, “Save” the changes.

Department Users Limit

To delete or export any department user limit, first select it using the available checkbox on the left. Then go to “Actions” and select “Delete or Export”.



Yes, you can go into the contact amendment app and see all the history under “My Contract Amendments”.

First, go to the “My Contract Amendments” section and click on the contract you want to download. Then click on the “Print” button.


Term Description
HRBP Human Resource Business Partner
HRD Human Resource Development
Notice Period EE Employees’ notice period
Notice Period ER Employer’s notice period

Version History


Prepared By

Palwasha Azher

Date Updated
