Hiring Requests App


Getting Started

Accessing the Hiring Requests Module

To access the Hiring Requests module within Numla HR, begin by logging in to Numla HR. Once logged in, you'll find yourself on the main page, which is the central hub for accessing various features and functionalities. To navigate to the Hiring Requests module look for an app with an icon shown below, or you can just type “Hiring Requests” on the screen to find it.

Accessing the Hiring Requests app in Numla HR

User Roles and Permissions

Role Access Level Details
Recruitment Team Full Access Can create and manage job positions. Responsible for shortlisting candidates, managing the recruitment workflow, and can move applications between stages and notify hiring managers.
Hiring Manager Restricted Access Can view applications for job positions assigned to them. Can move applications to shortlist or interview stage.


All About the Hiring Requests App

Let's dive into one of the primary functions of the Hiring Requests app: creating a new job position or modifying an existing one. If you’re an HR professional, start by navigating to the Hiring Requests app. On the main screen, you will see a list of all job positions. From here, you can manage new hiring requests, view job position details, and handle applicant data efficiently.

Creating a New Job Position

Navigate to the Hiring Requests app, select New Requests, and then click on “Create.”

Creating a new Job Position

Filling Out Mandatory Fields

These are the minimal set of fields you must know to start creating a new hiring request in the system. All mandatory fields are highlighted with a bold underline. Start with completing them first, as you cannot save your record without completing them.

Select job position

Select the job position.

Note:  If you want to create a new job position, click the checkbox next to "Create a new job position." Here, you need to enter a job position name and provide a reason for creating the new position.

Create New job position checkbox

After entering the job position name, write the role title in the provided space.

Description about the job

After detailing "About This Role," you can explain why you chose this role in why this role option.

Explain why this role

After detailing "Why This Role," you can specify the expectations from his role.

Expectations from the role

After specifying your expectations for this role, you can outline the "Requirements for a Successful Application."

Requirements for a successful application

After entering all the details, click on "Submit for Approval" to send your job position request for review.

Submit hiring request for Approval

After submitting the request for approval, its status will change from "Draft" to "Pending Approval."

Hiring request in pending approval stage

Approving Hiring Requests as the Recruitment Team

To Approve/Refuse a hiring request click go to all requests and click on the request you want to approve/refuse.

Approve or refuse hiring request

After the request is approved, its status will change from "Pending Approval" to "Approved."

Hiring request approved

After the approval of the request you can go to the configure job position.

Configure job position

Here, you can edit the provided details, and configure the settings to either publish or stop the recruitment process.

Configure publish or stop recruitment

You can see the applications received by clicking on applications.

View received applications

Here, you can view the newly received applications, and manage the status of candidates, including those shortlisted, rejected, or selected.

Additionally, you can change the status of received applications, such as rejecting or shortlisting them.

Application stages

Shortlisting CVs to Hiring Managers

Shortlisting CVs to Hiring Managers

Note:  For an existing job position, the hiring manager has already been selected.

Note:  Stages can be configured to be visible or hidden for hiring managers, depending on the requirements of your recruitment process.

To access these settings, click on the settings button located above each stage.

Application stages settings

If you want to edit any stage, click on "Edit Stage." After making your changes, click on "Save" to apply the updates.

Edit Job Application Stage

Once applications are moved to the 'Shortlisted' stage by the recruitment team, the assigned hiring managers will be notified by email.

Once the hiring manager is informed, they can move applications from the 'Shortlisted' stage to either the 'Rejection' or 'Interview' stage.

 Note: A daily cron job checks the number of applications moved to the "Shortlisted" stage and sends an email to the assigned hiring manager.

Cron job checks applications shortlisted

You can change the stage of the application by either clicking on the stages mentioned above.

Change application status

You can change the stage of the application by either clicking on the stages mentioned above.

Change application status

Application with rejection status

Note:  When a hiring manager moves an application to any visible stage, a daily cron job sends an email to the recruitment team with details on the number of applications moved, the hiring manager responsible, and the new stage. This ensures the recruitment team stays updated on application status.

You can also view the relevant documentation submitted by applicants by clicking on the "Documents" section.

View documents submitted by candidate

Here, you can review, delete, or download the CVs and other attached documents submitted by applicants.

review delete or download CV

Publishing and Unpublishing Job Configurations

To publish the job configuration, click on "Configure to Publish."

Publish the job

After clicking "Configure to Publish," a small page will pop up where you need to fill in the relevant information. Once done, click on "Publish" to make it publish.

Configure job publishing

Here you can see your job configuration has been published.

To unpublish the job configuration, click on "Stop Recruitment."

Stop recruitment

After clicking "Stop Recruitment," a small page will pop up, providing you with options to unpublish it from all websites or specific websites.

Unpublish job from websites

If you select the "Specific Website" option, another option will appear below, allowing you to choose between internal or external websites.

Unpublish job from specific website

After selecting the website, click on "Unpublish" to remove it from the chosen website.

After unpublishing, you will notice that the job is no longer listed on the website.

Job unpublished from website


No, the hiring manager is already selected for an existing job position.

The job configuration is unpublished from the website.

Simply move the application to the desired stage, such as "Shortlisted" or "Interview," to correct the status.


Term Description
Cron Job A scheduled task that runs automatically at specified intervals.

Version History


Date Updated
