Recruitment App


Getting Started


The Recruitment app empowers HR professionals with a suite of features designed to streamline every stage of the hiring process. Let's explore these functionalities and discover how they can help you attract top talent, manage applications efficiently, and optimise your recruitment strategies.Take a closer look at the following features sorted by alphabetical order:

Features Description
Application Management Efficiently receive, review, and organise applications submitted by potential candidates.
Activity Type Used for tracking various user actions.
Candidate Data Management Store, organise, and access detailed information about your talent pool.
Customisable Branding for Job Positions Create unique branding elements for specific job postings.
Contract Templates Generate basic contract templates pre-populated with key information (name, company name, salary figure, working hours, etc.) to expedite the offer process.
Effortless Reference Checks Send personalised reference request forms. Receive structured feedback directly in the system.
Filtering and Search Filter applications based on specific criteria (skills, experience) to identify qualified candidates quickly.
HR Recruitment Brand This refers to the image and reputation associated with your organisation's HR recruitment team.
Job Posting Creation Craft compelling job descriptions to attract qualified candidates and post them on social media, such as LinkedIn.
LinkedIn & Google Search Integration Directly access LinkedIn profiles and Google results about a candidate.
Reporting and Analytics Generate reports that provide valuable insights into your recruitment activities.

Accessing the Recruitment Module

To access the recruitment module within the NumlaHR solution, begin by logging in to Numla HR. Once logged in, you'll find yourself on the main page, which serves as the central hub for accessing various features and functionalities. To navigate to the Recruitment module look for an app with an icon shown below, or you can just type “Recruitment” on the screen to find it.

Accessing the recruitment app in Numla HR

User Roles and Permissions

Role Access Level Details
Superusers Full Access Can access everything including settings to configure the app.
Talent Acquisition Team Restricted Access Can access all data but limited settings.
Hiring Managers Restricted Access Can only see the applications for the jobs they requested.

Setting Up the Recruitment App

This section is all about the important things you need to set up before using the recruitment app to its full potential. We will go with each point in detail.


The stages here refer to all the phases each new application/candidate needs to go through, you can configure these stages as per your needs. Following is an example:

Stages in Recruitment

You have the option to make specific stages visible to the hiring managers, as well as changing sequences adding or removing them as per your needs.

Source Colleges

Here you can set up a list of colleges and schools which you want your candidates to select while applying for a job.

Source Colleges Configuration

  • To access this setting go to Recruitment > Configuration > Source Colleges.
  • To add a new college, click on “Create”, enter the type name, and “Save” it.

Add new source college


These are useful to highlight, mark or group job applications and retrieve them later or do reporting based on the tags.

Tags in the Recruitment App

  • To access the departments go to Recruitment > Configuration > Tags.
  • To add a new tag, click on “Create”, enter the name, select a colour and then “Save” it.

Hiring Managers

You can configure the hiring managers here, these are employees who requested to hire for a specific role and you want to share received CVs with them to review and shortlist.

Adding hiring managers

  • To see the hiring managers go to Recruitment > Configuration > Hiring Managers.
  • To add a new hiring manager, click on “Create”, select the employee name, and “Save” it.

All About Recruitment App

Let’s dive into the most common use of this app. Creating a new job position or modifying an existing one. If you’re an HR personnel, you can navigate to the Recruitment app and the first screen you see is the list of all job positions. Here you manage all the applicants' data.

Creating a New Job Position

Go into the Recruitment app, and click on “Create”.

Creating new Job Position

  • Fill out all the mandatory fields.
  • You can set the Hiring manager to share any job applications with them for review.
  • You can write about the role, objectives, and what to expect from this role in the given sections.

Mandatory fields

  • After filling out all the details, you can click on “Configure to Publish” to publish the jobs on internal and external websites.

Configure to publish

  • The system will automatically publish and close the job based on the dates you provide.

Publish job

Publishing a job

Accessing New Job Applications

Go into the Recruitment app, search for the job position you want to check and click on “Applications”.

Accessing new Job Applications 

You will see all the applications in a board type view, from where you can view the applications and CVs and move applications across different stages.

Managing Received Applications

Filling Out Candidate Details

All applications have a comprehensive list of information some of them are filled by the candidate when they apply for a job, and the other info can be recorded by the talent acquisition team based on the application stage/interviews.

Filling out Candidate Details


Numla HR provides you with a graphical view to visualise the data and find trends in your job posts.

Graphical view job posts trends

You can also use the pivot view to get meaningful numbers from these reports.


In this section, we will see different configurations that can be updated to meet the changing needs of an organisation.

Activity Type

The activity types are useful during the recruitment process. For example, if you want to schedule a meeting with a new applicant, you can do it directly through our system using activities. These are the available activities but you can create more to suit your requirements.

Default activities in Numla HR

To configure new activities please follow these steps.

  • First, navigate to the “Recruitment App” and go under “Configuration”.
  • From there, select Activity Types to create new activities.
  • Here, you can input details such as the “Name”, action to perform, Default user, and other relevant information.
  • Once entered, “Save” the changes to update the activity type configuration.

New activity type

Allowed IPs for Internal Website

  • First, go to the Recruitment app, navigate to Configuration followed by Allowed IPs for internal website.
  • To add a new IP address, click on “Create” and enter the IP address and description.
  • “Save” once you've made the necessary adjustments.

Allowed IPs for internal website

HR Recruitment Brand

  • In the Recruitment app. First, navigate to “Configuration”, followed by the HR Recruitment Brand.
  • There, you will create a “Brand Recruitment” by entering details such as “Name” and adding a logo and cover page image.
  • “Save” once entered.

HR Recruitment Brand


They can apply using the online form available on the website as well as sending emails to designated email addresses for a job position.

Version History


Prepared By

Palwasha Azher

Date Updated
