How to Translate Field Values in Odoo
Working in multi-language environments often requires dynamic field values that adapt to the user's preferred language. A common challenge in Odoo development is ensuring that computed field values are properly translated and stored for all active languages. Without an effective approach, managing translations for such fields can be prone to errors.
To assign a computed value to a field in multiple languages in Odoo, you need to ensure that the value is set properly for each language while considering Odoo's translation mechanism. Odoo uses ir.translation for managing translations of fields. For a computed field that needs to support multi-language values, you can handle it by setting the value and updating the translation for each language explicitly.
This article guides you on how to compute a field's value and assign it in multiple languages.
Code Example for Multi-Language Fields
The following example demonstrates how to compute and store the custom_message field values for all active languages in Odoo. The custom_message field is of type Text and supports translations.
Computed Field
The field custom_message is defined as Text, translate=True, and store=True. This means it supports translations and the value will be stored in the database.
The method depends on product_id. When the product_id changes, the _compute_custom_message method will be triggered.
Updating Translations
Using the with_context(lang=active_lang.code) method, we explicitly set the custom_message for each active language. This ensures that the field is correctly translated for each language.
In Summary
By combining computed fields with Odoo's translation mechanisms, you can build solutions that dynamically adapt to multi-language environments. This approach ensures field values are accurate, localised, and stored efficiently across all active languages.
Whether you're managing product descriptions, order details, or user messages, this method simplifies the complexities of handling translations while enhancing the usability of your Odoo application.
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