How to Upgrade or Downgrade Python Packages in Ubuntu

Python Packages

by Dharmesh Patel

Managing Python packages is essential for ensuring that your development environment runs smoothly, whether you need the latest features of a library or compatibility with older versions of your codebase. Upgrading or downgrading Python packages on Ubuntu can help you maintain this balance.

Why is this important?

Python libraries are frequently updated with new features, bug fixes, and security patches. However, there are times when new versions introduce incompatibilities with your project. In such cases, upgrading or downgrading Python packages is necessary to ensure smooth functionality.

Upgrading or downgrading Python packages on Ubuntu can be done using pip, the Python package manager. Here’s a step-by-step guide for both upgrading and downgrading Python packages.


Make sure pip is installed. You can install it by running:

sudo apt update​
sudo apt
install python3-pip

Upgrade a Python Package

To upgrade a Python package to the latest version, use:

pip3 install --upgrade <package_name>

Example: To upgrade the requests library:

pip3 install --upgrade requests

To upgrade all installed packages, use:

pip3 list --outdated | grep -o '^[^ ]*' | xargs -n1 pip3 install -U​

Downgrade a Python Package

Downgrading may be necessary if a recent package update causes conflicts or if your project requires an older package version for specific functionality.

To downgrade a package to a specific version, use:

pip3 install <package_name>==<version>

Example: To downgrade requests to version 2.25.1:

pip3 install requests==2.25.1

Check Installed Version of a Package

Before upgrading or downgrading a package, you can check the currently installed version to ensure you're making the right changes:

pip3 show <package_name>

This will display details about the package, including the version number, allowing you to decide whether an upgrade or downgrade is needed.

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